Your Creative Vision, Our Legal Protection - COPYRIGHT

Copyright is a legal concept that grants creators exclusive rights to their original works, which can encompass literary, artistic, musical, and cinematographic creations. Such protection covers reproduction, adaptation, distribution, and public performance of the work. It's important to note that copyright safeguards the unique expression of a creative work, rather than the idea behind it. However, limitations may apply to dedicated rights, such as criticism, news reporting, teaching, and research. Furthermore, individuals can use exclusive rights to protect other types of creative expression, including computer programs, databases, films, and musical works. Creative rights protection is automatic and does not require registration, but registration provides additional benefits.

Copyright in India is governed by the Copyright Act, of 1957. The Copyright Board is responsible for settling conflicts regarding the assignment and licensing of copyrighted works. Protection is automatic and lasts for the life of the creator plus 60 years. Ownership rights protect original creative works from illegal use. It applies to literary, musical, artistic, and cinematographic works. Protection is automatic, but registration provides added benefits. Creative rights defying attract both civil and criminal damages.

Dhairya Shah & Associates helps clients protect their original works through copyright law. To secure copy protection and assist with the registration process and advise clients on the best ways to enforce their rights, including through cease-and-desist letters, litigation, and other solutions. Additionally, we counsel clients on the best ways to protect their works from the breach and advise on methods for settling copy protection licenses and partnerships.


Our Services

DSA provides entire services which include Copyright filing and prosecution, Copyright cancellation and rectification matters, Recording Registrations with Custom, Copyright Takedown notice and Copyright Litigation

Copyright filing and prosecution

Copyright filing and prosecution

Copyright filing and prosecution in India involves the registration of original literary, artistic, and musical works with the Copyright Office. It provides legal protection against infringement, allowing the authority rights to take legal action against those who use their work without permission. The registration process involves applying for the required documents and fees. Once registered, the holding rights owner can take legal action against infringers and enforce their rights. It is a necessary step for creators to protect their intellectual property and avoid theft or misuse.

Copyright cancellation and rectification matters

Copyright cancellation and rectification matters

We provide services to help cancel or rectify copyright registrations or applications that violate our clients' rights or have concerns about the validity of an exclusive rights registration or application. Exclusive rights cancellation and rectification matters of registered Creative rights due to various reasons, such as non-compliance with legal needs or violation of someone else's rights. This process helps to ensure that the copy protection registry is accurate and up-to-date and helps protect the rights of all parties involved.

Recording Registrations with Custom

Recording Registrations with Custom

Copyright Registrations provide ownership rights to holders with legal protection for their original works. With a creative rights registration, the ownership rights holder can take legal action against any illegal use of their work. Moreover, the enrolment of the work also creates a public record of its existence, providing others to easily determine if the work is protected by copy protection or not. Additionally, a creative rights registration may also be necessary for an ownership rights holder to be eligible for certain types of compensation, such as legal damages or attorneys' fees.

Copyright Takedown notice

Copyright Takedown notice

A takedown notice in India is a legal request to remove copyrighted content from online platforms. The notice contains information about the work and the location of the defying content. To avoid legal action, the platform must quickly remove the infringing content upon getting the notice. This notice serves as a critical tool for owners of creative rights to protect their intellectual property and deter infringement.

Copyright Litigation

Copyright Litigation

Copyright litigation in India involves resolving disputes related to creative rights infringement through the legal system. This can include civil and criminal actions against infringers, such as seeking damages, regulations, and court orders to stop the defying activity. The process may involve filing a lawsuit, presenting evidence in court, and arguing the case before a judge. Litigating copy protection can be slow and complex, but it's crucial for protecting intellectual property and enforcing rights.

Frequently Asked Question

Copyright protects original works of authorship, such as books, music, art, films, and software.

To register your work with the Copyright Office in India, you must complete an application form, pay the applicable fee, and provide a copy of your work along with the form.

The time taken for copyright registration in India varies, but it generally takes six to nine months to receive a copyright certificate.

Copyright protection in India lasts for the author's lifetime plus 60 years after their death. For anonymous or pseudonymous works, it lasts 60 years from publication, and for photographs, films, and sound recordings, it lasts 60 years from publication.

Yes, you can file a copyright infringement suit in India for a work that is copyrighted in another country if the work had copyrighted in India.

No, copyright renewal is not mandatory for India as the protection lasts for a fixed time. However, in cases such as for cinematographic films, the owner can apply for an extension of the copyright term.

Yes, copyright transfer is possible in India through a written agreement between the original owner and the transferee. Moreover, this agreement facilitates the process of transferring creative rights from one party to another.

Commercialization refers to making money from a copyrighted work, such as selling copies of a book, licensing a song for use in a movie, or selling merchandise based on a copyrighted character.

Understanding and navigating copyright law is crucial for creators, artists, and businesses to protect their intellectual property in India. At Dhairya Shah & Associates, we focus on protecting your creative works and defending your rights against any possible infringement. Our top priority is to offer effective solutions for your intellectual property. Feel free to contact us today.